Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ragu Sauce

This is a recipe for homemade Ragu or sauce for pasta or lasagna. Prepare to have 4 hours available, because the longer it cooks the better it tastes. 

1 medium onion, chopped
3 cloves of garlic, minced
2 Tbls Olive oil
1 lbs ground sirloin
1 lbs sweet italian sausage
3 cans (28 oz each) of crushed tomatoes with basil
1 cup red wine (I used 1 cup chicken stock because I don't drink wine)
salt and peper to taste 
fresh basil if you want to add at the end of cooking time for fresh flavor

Get a really big pot that is tall and fry the onions in olive oil until soft.
add the garlic half way cooking just so the garlic doesn't get burned.
Add the beef and italian sausage to the onions.  Take your time to brown the meat, this will take some time but getting them brown and cooked down gives it flavor. Add salt and Pepper as the beef cooks. I use lots of pepper, not so much salt. You can add more at the end for flavor. 
Add the 3 cans of crushed tomatoes and the 1 cup wine/or chicken broth to the browned meat.
Cook the sauce for 2-3 hours.  I think I cooked mine for 3-3 1/2 hours and it was thick consistency. 
Add torn fresh basil and salt and pepper to taste. 
Now it is ready to use in any noodle dish. I made lasagna with mine. Picture below.
It is also really easy to freeze in small batches. Just put them in plastic containers, label and freeze. 


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